
Reflection: Jesus in the Margins
This book has me thinking about how Jesus ministered to the margins. Somehow, somewhere the evangelical North American church veered left of the road Christ called us to. We need to return to a place where sinners (read all of...
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Cultural Christianity
I've been thinking about how the church raises generations of cultural christians. I saw a definition describing them as: Most Christians would probably fit within the category cultural Christians. Their self-identification as "Christian" is more cultural and social than religious....
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Firing Missional Blanks
I just spoke with a local Pastor in Pacific Beach. For those of you who don't know about PB, it is a beach community in San Diego filled with surfers, lots of drugs and partying. Anyway this pastor spoke about...
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Jesus in the Margins : Finding God in the Places We Ignore
I just got my hands on a manuscript of Jesus in the Margins : Finding God in the Places We Ignore by Rick McKinley (You may know him as the pastor of Donald Miller Blue Like Jazz). I'm one-third of...
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Monthly Faith/Culture Newsletter
Each month I edit the monthly culture newsletter from the Kaleo Institute of Culture Studies (Kaleo Church). It is a collection of essays, reviews and commentary. You can check out past culture newsletters here (scroll down 1/2 page). Tom Moller,...
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Christianity & the Arts
Brian, the worship leader at Kaleo posted an article examining Christianity and the Arts. In it he looks at things like beauty, aesthetics and the role should the arts play in the Christian life. (article: Christianity & the Arts) In...
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Burnside Writer's Collective
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I'm beginning a web project with a group called Burnside Writer's Collective. It will collect a group of authors such as Don Miller (Blue Like Jazz, Searching For God Knows What) and Rick McKinley (Jesus in the Margins : Finding...
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10.9% in S.D. high schools attempted suicide, report says
About one in 10 high school students in the San Diego Unified School District attempted suicide last year, which is higher than the national average, according to a survey of 1,800 students. The number of reported suicide attempts among ninth-through...
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A Wired San Diego
Our church has spent time developing a website and placing a lot of content on the site for visitors and regulars. Most of the visitors that come to our church say they first researched our church online. Frequently guests have...
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What Christians should learn from Queers
The week wore my wife and I out. After a quick dinner in Hillcrest (“Well known as San Diego 's gay and lesbian Mecca” Union Tribune) we decided to rent a movie and call it a night. I dropped my...
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