I just got my hands on a manuscript of Jesus in the Margins : Finding God in the Places We Ignore by Rick McKinley (You may know him as the pastor of Donald Miller Blue Like Jazz). I’m one-third of the way into it but I can already tell this one is going to be a must-read for many of us out there. Here’s a snipit from the publisher’s site:
Jesus is our ultimate model for finding identity, acceptance, and legitimacy from the Father. As we pull back the curtain on His life, we discover that Jesus knows what it’s like to be marginalized. He understands how it feels to have society shove you to the side, to not really be accepted, and in the end to be totally rejected. He can identify with life in the margins because when God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ, He landed in the margins. On purpose. And He chose to land there because it’s in the margins that broken lives get mended, prisoners are set free, and the poor hear the Good News.
I hope to have a review soon…