
Music that made an Impact
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The San Diego Reader is asking 20 writers to discuss the album or CD that we would take to a desert island, were we to be stranded there. They continue..."Or to write about the album or CD ("popular" or classical)...
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February Culture & Theology Newsletter
There are a number of new articles this month for your review: Duane Smets contributes a review of Adbusters Magazine (see below) as well as the new Bright Eyes album, Wide Awake Its Morning. Tom Moller continues his writings with...
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Relevant Online: Portrayal of Christians
I read this at Relevant and thought is was an interesting article: There are a number of things that can make the movie-going experience uncomfortable for me. A sticky seat, a big fro two rows ahead, a diet coke gone...
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Burnside Writers Collective
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The Burnside project I'm working on got some press in it too: One of his big plans, in fact, is to make the Rose City the hub of a national network of unconventional Christian writers, which he's calling the Burnside...
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Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
I just got this feature on Donald Miller from a secular perspective. After talking about all his success, why doesn't he have any coverage in local media: How come? Simple: Miller's a Christian. Half his sales are through religious bookstores....
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If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits
All I can say is, ?! Under Germany's welfare reforms, any woman under 55 who has been out of work for more than a year can be forced to take an available job – including in the sex industry –...
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Anti-Community at Starbucks
Today I went to Starbucks to read and write. Every once in a while I lifted my head from my book and peered around the room. In this living-room setting I think I was hoping for something more. Maybe I...
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Adbusters "Are you Ready for the Revolution?"
A review of Adbusters Magazine by Duane Smets. Adbusters magazine is unlike any other magazine because it has no ads. The magazine has become a key participating leader in a revolution brewed by people who call themselves "culture jammers." Culture...
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Some Blogs I've visted recently…
I went on a blog journey the other day...just random clicks and reading, here are some of the places I visited... Many voices in the conversation. Some...
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Rolling Stone denies the Bible
Rolling Stone magazine declined to run an advertisement for a new translation of the Bible aimed at young people, the nation's largest Bible publisher said Wednesday. On Tuesday, USA Today quoted Kent Brownridge, general manager of Wenner Media, as saying...
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