Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

Donald MillerI just got this feature on Donald Miller from a secular perspective. After talking about all his success, why doesn’t he have any coverage in local media:

How come? Simple: Miller’s a Christian. Half his sales are through religious bookstores. The afternoon photo shoot is for a slick magazine called Relevant, basically a hybrid of Spin and Entertainment Weekly aimed at the youth-ministry set. At Harvard, he’ll address the Veritas Forum, a gathering of Christian intellectuals. In Toronto, he’s speaking at a Christian college so small even he hasn’t heard of it. The stage version of his book will run at “faith-based” venues in Canada’s biggest city.

Or how about our Christian brothers quote:

The weird thing is, Miller is not just a religious fish out of Portland’s hyper-secular water. He’s also an oddity among Christian authors. Some Christians don’t care for him one bit. “I truly believe that Blue Like Jazz is in large part a heresy masquerading as Christianity,” says Vince Bissey, one of Miller’s most vociferous online critics.

The whole article on Donald Miller is here.