Church Technology

Churches: Using the Internet to be on Mission, Disciple and Create Community
Denver Seminary sponsored a webinar for their alumni network where I presented on the Future of the Church Online. Here is a brief description: We have all heard about the importance of a church website, the craze of social networking...
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Leading Web Development CLA Session
Thank you for those who attended my session at CLA '09 on Leading Web Development. If you wanted and have not received an email with a pdf, please contact me. A lot of the information was in the session audio,...
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Churches and Social Networking Study
Unconventional Method began to design research to explore what churches are doing effectively online in this area and help shape the understanding of how churches can use the internet to gather, disciple and build community. From January 27 through February,...
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Christian Social Networks and Private Community Sites
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As we've begun to look at numerous Christian Social Networks and Private Community Sites there is one test that easily distinguishes two paths that make a large difference in whether a Christian should use them: Does the Social Network focus...
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Top 10 Church Website Features/Activities
What do people say are the most important features/activities they would like to engage on a church website? So far in our survey of 100 church websites these are what people are saying they want to: (out of 23 activities...
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Online Conversions
Lately I've been in a couple conversations regarding online conversions. Are they happening? Yes and by the millions according to sites like GodRev (see Joy in Heaven). Using GodRev as the example, they take people through a process of Knowing...
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New Blog Design & Updgrade of WordPress
I just re-launched with a new Wordpress theme. I like that it's fairly clean and simple. I still need to do a bit of tweaking (such as add thumbnails to more posts) but hope you like it. In the...
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The Truth about Church Websites and Effective Online Outreach
Thank you for all who participated in today's webinar, nearly 80 people signed-up for it. For those who missed it, here was the description of the webinar: We have all heard about the importance of a church website, the craze...
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Website Stolen
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Any help you can lend out there but DataFizz is taking credit for this design of Viviana Rodr??guez Amoblamientos SA. It is a direct rip of Denver Seminary built by Monk and designed by Designwise Studios. They’re even using the...
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State of the Church Online : Goals Met
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We have hit and now are exceeding our response goals! Thank you to all who promoted & participated in the State of the Church Online surveys. We have over 500 responses to the Social & Community Network survey and over...
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