Drew Goodmanson

9.5 Theses on Worship
Here are the 9.5 THESES ON WORSHIP and a link to the article at Christianity Today... 1. Our heavenly Father wills that the whole life of believers should be worship. 2. The word worship, when applied to public gatherings of...
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Churches Charging Money for MP3s
I was over at djchuang's metablog. We're in everyone's favorite topic area, money and churches. Check out this conversation. What do you think? Should churches give it all away free, cover their costs, use money for missions? http://www.djchuang.com/b2/blog.php/2005/01/27/p998 2/8 Note:...
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Emergent Interviews
I'd like people at the Emergent Conference to respond for my Reader article. Name: Where do you live: Home Church: (answer as many of the following) Basis: What is the emergent movement? How is it different from traditional churches? Where...
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EmergentYS 2005 Part II
Went back to the EmergentYS conference today. It's somewhat odd to actually stick around after these sessions and speak with McLaren (Time Top 25 most influential evangelicals in America) and Stanley Grenz discussing their thoughts and asking questions. One of...
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Relevant Online: Portrayal of Christians
I read this at Relevant and thought is was an interesting article: There are a number of things that can make the movie-going experience uncomfortable for me. A sticky seat, a big fro two rows ahead, a diet coke gone...
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EmergentYS Conference
I crashed the Emergent Conference today. I went to interview local 'emergent' pastors and their beliefs. It was pretty interesting asking them questions about heaven, hell, Jesus, God, and all sorts of other things. The interviews ran the gambit from,...
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Covenant Baptist Church
Here is my weekly Sheep & Goats column for the Reader. I reviewed Covenant Baptist Church. Here's the opening quote: "One of the things that really irks me is the recent fad of poor end-times beliefs," Pastor Cook replied when...
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Burnside Writers Collective
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The Burnside project I'm working on got some press in it too: One of his big plans, in fact, is to make the Rose City the hub of a national network of unconventional Christian writers, which he's calling the Burnside...
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Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
I just got this feature on Donald Miller from a secular perspective. After talking about all his success, why doesn't he have any coverage in local media: How come? Simple: Miller's a Christian. Half his sales are through religious bookstores....
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We all love legalists.
I was thinking today of all the legalistic things people do as Christians to fit in. How many people burned their cds? Thought it was wrong to drink or dance? I'd love to hear some things you've seen/done that were...
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