
America's Most Innovative Churches of 2008 – Really?
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Why are America's Most Innovative Churches also some of the largest in America?  Northpointe, NewSpring, Saddleback et al are nominees for the award in 2008.    Is this like when Taco Bell wins best Mexican food because it's the most voted...
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Tentmakers, Porn, Worship and Near Death Experiences
Here are a few links of interest: Seminary’s, Vocation, Depressed Cities & Tentmakers - Learn how seminary's, church Bible schools, cities with high unemployment can utilize the Tentmaker Group to make a difference. The Porn Myth - Great article on...
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The Tentmaker Group Launches
The Tentmaker Group website has launched! If you know people looking to fund a church plant transition, pastors who seek supplemental income or people interested in roles that will re-invest money into church planting and ministering to people in their...
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Total Church: Is the American Church Ready?
I've been reading Total Church, a remarkable book that looks at a 'radical reshaping around gospel and community'.  In it they talk about the community formed at The Crowded House, where:  We are committed to caring for one another, discipling...
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The Church in a Post-Christian World
Since I did my session on Post-Christian World, here are a few add'l external links from the last day in the blogosphere that relate: What do our church buildings witness to? "Our church buildings witness to the immobility, inflexibility, lack...
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Communication in Our Post-Christian World (GCA Session)
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Here is the session I did at GCA on Communication in Our Post-Christian World (86-page PDF).  There is a lot of stuff the pdf won't explain but it will provide a general idea of the conversation.  For example, We are...
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GCA Church Planting Conference – Day 2
I attended Emerging 1 & 2 and Evangelism 1 & 2 today. Emerging Session 2 was led by Steve Treichler from Hope Community.  Some quotes: "We are in the middle of the greatest worldview shift in 200 years and evangelicals...
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Ed Stetzer promises to blog regularly.  He just launched  Here's the goal of the blog: This blog will be a mixture of several things. We will look at research and discuss it here. In just a couple of weeks...
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Church Planting, the Church & Missional Links
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This week has been extremely crazy, as the Monk team is in town planning the future of Ekklesia 360 Church CMS.  We now have over 750 churches and ministries using our system and growing rapidly!  Secondly, I am wrapping up...
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Voices of the Virtual World: Participative Technology and the Ecclesial Revolution
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A new book is coming out entitled, Voices of the Virtual World: Participative Technology and the Ecclesial Revolution. This book is a collection of over 40 writers, many well known bloggers, authors, missional thinkers and pastors. (I wrote a chapter:...
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