Here is the session I did at GCA on Communication in Our Post-Christian World (86-page PDF). There is a lot of stuff the pdf won't explain but it will provide a general idea of the conversation. For example,
We are in the middle of one of the greatest worldview transitions in recent history. Gen-X is turning 40. While much has been discussed in terms of culture/postmodernity, it is now beginning to take hold institutionally as this generation moves into positions of power. How the values of Gen-X & Y are reshaping ecclesiology, theology and mission and causing greater diversity in the forms and expression of the church.
The ghost of Christianity and Christendom and it's gospel inoculation impact on mission. The reversal with new church expressions seeing 'tradtional/modern' churches as synchronizing to a dying culture.
How the increased connectivity of Gen-x & Y creates a Virtual Tribalism and the impact on evangelism, outreach and churches. A look at this hyper-affinity and the 10 Idols of these new generations.
For those who asked for the church planting movie, it's located here: Post-Christian America & the Urgency of Church Planting (This post also has the link to all stats/sources)