
The Gospel Awakening
Is the American church in the middle of a transformation?  Over the last couple years, there are an increasing number of pastors who are rethinking church and Christianity.  Many of these shifts were recently expressed by The Gospel Coalition.  These...
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Post-Christian America & the Urgency of Church Planting
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A while back I recall seeing the Did You Know? Shift Happens video and wanted to create one for church planting and the state of the church in America. So here it is, just in time for us to celebrate...
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Goodmanson 3-Year Anniversary
It was on July 1st, 2004 that I made my first post @  In the last 3 years there have been hundreds of posts and thousands of comments.   To celebrate: 1. I loaded up a new website design. 2....
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Acts 29 Sonoma Retreat – The Network & Defining Missional
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I returned last night from the annual Acts 29 pastors retreat where we spent most of the week in Sonoma. It was great to see friends and spend time with other church planters from across the country. A couple things...
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Re-thinking Work – The Need for the Church to reclaim the Cultural Mandate
The cultural mandate calls us to be stewards of the world and cultivate it for God's glory.  This includes our work.  Yet, churches have largely left work to the domain of the 'secular world'.  There are two reasons I believe...
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Gospel, Mission, Kingdom, Imagination [External Links]
Triperspectival Leadership Essentials (David Fairchild) - Examines three essential elements of leadership, character, competency and the often overlooked compatibility.  Also check out his recent posts on Gospel Worldview Questions & Gospel Diagnostic Questions. Rick McKinley's talk @ the Q Conference....
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Telling Gospel Stories
We speak in stories.  Stories are the way people share what they really think and express who they are. Stories are the web that holds together a person's true beliefs. It is through these stories that we interact and communicate.  ...
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Donald Miller the new Paul at today's Evangelical Mars Hill
Good read at Christianity Today about Donald Miller.  One quote I found interesting regarding the impact of Blue Like Jazz: (Donald Miller) compares his experience to Paul speaking to the Athenians on Mars Hill. Paul understood Greek culture, he was...
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GCA – North America Church Planting Seminar
The North America Church Planting Seminar is an inter-denominational training event designed to equip church planters, coaches and supervisors to start, grow and multiply healthy, gospel-centered churches that result in the spiritual, social and cultural transformation of entire cities and...
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Stripped: Uncensored Grace on the Streets of Vegas
You know the commercial – sensual backdrop – good looking people tossing drinks back, maybe splashing in the pool, embracing in the moonlight – fade to black with the words, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” You have to...
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