
Triperspectival Ministry Assessment
Today the elders of Kaleo Church met to discuss the different ministries.  We agreed that we needed to assess the current state of the ministries and we needed a framework of how we would keep an ongoing tab on the...
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Multiperspectivalism Continues
Over the last several months, I have had several posts regarding multiperspectivalism (or triperspectivalism) but few people had comments to these posts. Yet, when I've had conversations with people it has been quite helpful to myself and others as a...
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Deacon Training & Development
I've had a couple people ask what we do for Deacon Development, so I thought I'd post it for anyone to use. First, we believe that the Deacon (or elder) process is just a confirmation of what God has already...
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Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology & Perspectival Theology
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I found this post by the JollyBlogger to be an extremely interesting discussion around the flaws of systematics and singular perspectives rather than reading the whole of the Bible with perspectival lenses: [read my previous post on triperspectivalism] Frame understands...
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Leadership Conflict Resolution: Prophet | Priest | King
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Each of us has an area of strength that most greatly influences how we make decisions. Earlier, we said these three modes are Prophet, Priest or King. [read How Mutliperspectivalism shapes Church Leadership and how you staff a church] When...
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What type of churches NOT to plant
To contrast what type of a church we should plant, here is the contrast of what not to plant....hmmm...more tri-perspectivalism. Most churches error toward one of the perspectives; Normative, Situation or Existential. Normative relates to authority and concern with 'right...
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Not How or Why but WHAT type of church should you plant
As I posted earlier, the influence of Keller/Harbor/Frame and tri-perspectivalism is far reaching. It should be the very worldview that we filter everything through, we looked at its influence in church leadership development and preaching. Now, here is a take...
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How Mutliperspectivalism shapes Church Leadership and how you staff a church
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Earlier I posted about how everything must look through normative, situation and existential perspectives. As John Frame wrote, "The knowledge of God's law, the world, and the self are interdependent and ultimately identical" (The Doctrine of Knowledge of God, Prebyterian...
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(Tri) MultiPerspectival Preaching
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The Reformissionary had a post pointing to Keller's writings on Informational vs Experiential Preaching, which brings up a great illustration of how to apply multiperspectivalism in preaching. Here is the quote: The "informational" view of preaching conceives of preaching as...
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How Multi-perspectivalism and Tri-Perspectivalism should shape your Worldview
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In many circles there is a greatly increased buzz about multiperspectivalism. Conversations stemmed from fellow Acts 29 pastors, Dick Kaufman, David Fairchild, amongst others. This is a worldview influenced by John Frame's tri-perspectivalism. John writes: "The knowledge of God's law,...
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