In many circles there is a greatly increased buzz about multiperspectivalism. Conversations stemmed from fellow Acts 29 pastors, Dick Kaufman, David Fairchild, amongst others. This is a worldview influenced by John Frame‘s tri-perspectivalism.
John writes: “The knowledge of God’s law, the world, and the self are interdependent and ultimately identical” (The Doctrine of Knowledge of God, Prebyterian and Reformed 1987, p.89). “Human knowledge can be understood in three ways: as knowledge of God’s norm, as knowledge of the situation [environment], and as knowledge of ourselves. None can be achieved without the others. Each includes the others.” (p.75) (NOTE: Frame’s work will filtered through a tri-perspectival view does not actually unpack *perspectivalism. Suggested reading: Symphonic Theology: The Validity of Multiple Perspectives in Theology
Normative: the Word, authority
Situational: the World, environment
Existential: our self
Let’s look at this through Jesus as a Prophet, Priest and King. These offices were perfectly fulfilled in Christ and reflect a tri-perspectival worldview.
Prophet – Jesus declared the norm/Word with authority
Priest – Jesus ministered God’s presence to the people perfectly redeeming them.
King – Jesus exercised God’s control.
Future Applications: (to unpack this a bit more, I will post applications discussed at a pastors meeting about how this impacts (not how or why, but) what types of churches you should plant, how you should hire for church leadership and an application of dealing with sin.