
Temple Emanu-El
My wife was raised Jewish. She still can speak & write a little Hebrew. This was my first experience attending a Shabbat service. Read this weeks column: Temple Emanu-El >
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Right Theology without Desire
The devil thinks more true thoughts about God in one day than a saint does in a lifetime, and God is not honored by it. The problem with the devil is not his theology, but his desires. Our chief end...
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Ascension Catholic Church
I attended Catholic school growing up through High School. It was a bit of nostalgia to do this weeks column on Ascension Catholic Church >
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A Wired San Diego
Our church has spent time developing a website and placing a lot of content on the site for visitors and regulars. Most of the visitors that come to our church say they first researched our church online. Frequently guests have...
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The Vertex
The Vertex is a 'postmodern' evening worship at First Baptist Coronado. View this week' column The Vertex >
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Reformission & Culture
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“Each year 3,500 churches die. Most of these churches are liberal churches or from traditional denominations,” remarked Pastor Mark Driscoll. Mark Driscoll is the Pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington, where the congregation consists primarily of people in...
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San Diego Churches
It's been interesting visiting so many San Diego churches. I'm learning a lot from this experience as far as all the diff't denominations and beliefs. Of course I'm still sold on my favorite San Diego Church (thanks Mr. Berroth for...
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Seattle Trip & Reformission Conference
Last week my family returned to Seattle (we lived there nine years) and attended a conference at Mars Hill. The conference was called Reformission 2004. "The gospel has the power to transform lives, and indeed our culture. The goal of...
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La Mesa First United Methodist Church
I visted a dying United Methodist church that a new pastor is trying to turn around. This week's article is La Mesa First United Methodist Church >
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St. Francis and St. Tarcicius Old Catholic Church
I went to an Old Catholic Church. They are an off-shoot from Roman Catholic. It was a pretty interesting experience, as the Priest spend considerable amounts of time explaining all the liturgy and traditions. Check out this week's Article of...
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