Ministry Design

Church Planting & Movement Training
We believe it is important to provide potential church planters a new kind of missional training through the Tentmaker Group and discussions with the Porterbrook Network (created by the authors of Total Church and the pastors of the Crowded House. ...
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Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition
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I highly recommend Making Room: Recovering Hospitality As a Christian Tradition by Christine D. Pohl, Author.  At the GCA conference, Martin Ban recommended this book and I see why.  Simply, this is another must read.  A few points: Christians should...
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The Church in a Post-Christian World
Since I did my session on Post-Christian World, here are a few add'l external links from the last day in the blogosphere that relate: What do our church buildings witness to? "Our church buildings witness to the immobility, inflexibility, lack...
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GCA Church Planting Conference – Day 2
I attended Emerging 1 & 2 and Evangelism 1 & 2 today. Emerging Session 2 was led by Steve Treichler from Hope Community.  Some quotes: "We are in the middle of the greatest worldview shift in 200 years and evangelicals...
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GCA Church Planting Conference – Day 1
We completed day 1 of the GCA Church Planting conference.  John Piper did a session encouraging the church planters and reminding them to be weary of church planting experts/formula's it is the Holy Spirit the preaching of the gospel.  The...
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Communication in Our Post-Christian World
I'm putting the finishing touches on my GCA presentation, Communication in Our Post-Christian World: The culture is changing and it requires new methods of communication.  This session will help you learn how to effectively minister in a post-Christian context.   Come...
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The Dangers of Triperspectivalism
As more churches & leaders begin to use triperspectivalism as a philosophy of ministry, there are a few dangers I wanted to warn against (these came up in an elder meeting at Kaleo): Personality Test  - One of the dangers...
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Gospel, Mission, Kingdom, Imagination [External Links]
Triperspectival Leadership Essentials (David Fairchild) - Examines three essential elements of leadership, character, competency and the often overlooked compatibility.  Also check out his recent posts on Gospel Worldview Questions & Gospel Diagnostic Questions. Rick McKinley's talk @ the Q Conference....
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Leading Gospel-Centered Church Meetings
Do you have a structure of how to lead meetings at your church?  In our monthy church planting meetings with Harbor, they patterned a structure of meeting we have adopted at Kaleo.  It includes: 1. Grace Renewal Stories [Existential] -...
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You Can't Program the Gospel
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When Kaleo Church first started, there were a number of things we wanted to do because other churches were doing it.  One example is a Film & Theology night.  We desperately wanted our people to see culture through the lens...
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