Ministry Design

Missional Communities and Contextualization
How do you contextualize in proclamation and demonstration as you launch missional communities/churches?  (Contextualization is adapting the declaration and demonstration of the gospel in culturally adaptable forms, holding to the essence of the gospel at the same time.)  Another document...
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Missional Community Leadership Assessment Interview
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As we continue to form around around the gospel, mission and community one of the questions we are asking is who is qualified to lead a missional community?  What are the characteristics, competencies and convictions of a MC leader?  Soma...
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Leading a Missional Community
MISSIONAL COMMUNITIES DEFINED A Missional Community (MC) is a committed core of believers who live out the mission of God together in a specific area or to a particular people group by demonstrating the gospel in tangible forms and declaring...
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Missional Communities as Extension of the Counseling Process
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At Kaleo church , we call our home groups “missional communities,” (MC’s). The title serves as an intentional reminder of why we exist here on this earth: to love God and neighbor. Not surprisingly, this is also one of the...
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Multiplying Missional Communities
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Here is Multiplying Missional Communities that expands on the Leadership Development in Community series focusing on the Missional Community Leader.  (Eugene gets credit for the this one.)  He writes regarding when/how to replicate: Expect the Spirit to work in and...
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Organic Movement – Reverse Church Planting
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Today, a lot of what is called church planting is really starting a new 1 hour service for people to attend.  There's a belief that just by opening your doors and great preaching, you will start a revolution.  We've seen...
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Leadership Development in Community
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Kaleo Church is examining what it means to be the church, through this, Kaleo has shifted our emphasis to people living together being the church in the neighborhoods and patterns of life they are already in. We have re-oriented our...
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Strategy for City-wide Discipleship & Planting Organic Churches
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I'm working on a couple new posts for after the new year, until then enjoy a couple posts from others: The Tyrannus Effect - Paul’s Neglected Strategy for City-wide Discipleship : Jeremy Pryor writes that "In a little known passage...
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Leadership Development in Community – Kings
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This is the final post dealing with individual leadership development toward a missional ecclesiology.  As stated, Kaleo Church seeks to create organic (systemic) leadership development as well as deliberate/intentional (systematic) discipleship to those who seek to grow in using their...
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Leadership Development in Community – Priests
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Kaleo Church has re-oriented our leadership development & discipleship to be done in community.  Our goal is to create a systemic discipleship process for the people of Kaleo as well as bring systematic development to those who seek to grow...
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