Drew Goodmanson

Cultivate | Where Culture, Innovation and Communication Connect
Save the date of October 27th for the Cultivate Conference @ Park Community Church in Chicago [just one day and proceeding the STORY conference]. Cultivate is collective wisdom. It brings ministry and marketplace leaders to the table and asks them...
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ECHO: Church Media Conference
A conference for church leaders that love using media, technology, and the internet to be more effective in sharing God's story. Why you should go * To discover new forms of media * To be inspired to use media in...
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STORY – Gospel Communication
STORY is a first-of-its-kind experience for communicators of the Gospel - the greatest story ever told. It will be held on Wednesday, October 28 at the Paramount Theater in Aurora, Illinois. Speakers include Donald Miller, Nancy Beach, Dave Gibbons, Ed...
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Churches: Using the Internet to be on Mission, Disciple and Create Community
Denver Seminary sponsored a webinar for their alumni network where I presented on the Future of the Church Online. Here is a brief description: We have all heard about the importance of a church website, the craze of social networking...
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Mark Driscoll, Matt Chandler, Darrin Patrick, Jeff Vanderstelt and more in San Diego
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Join us to hear a tremendous line-up of speakers at the San Diego Church Bootcamp May 5-6th. This conference is a great opportunity to be encouraged, challenged, edified and learn about being missional as well as gain insight into church...
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Leading Web Development CLA Session
Thank you for those who attended my session at CLA '09 on Leading Web Development. If you wanted and have not received an email with a pdf, please contact me. A lot of the information was in the session audio,...
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Church Planting, Kingdom Business, Catalyst West and A29 Conferences
10 Insights from a Church Planter by David Fairchild Learn from the mistakes, lessons and reflection of a church planter 7 years into it. Business for the kingdom by Tim Chester How do you grow and run a company as...
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Churches and Social Networking Study
Unconventional Method began to design research to explore what churches are doing effectively online in this area and help shape the understanding of how churches can use the internet to gather, disciple and build community. From January 27 through February,...
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Multiplying Leaders on Mission for the Gospel : San Diego Bootcamp
Tuesday, May 05, 2009, 9:00 AM - Wednesday, May 06, 2009, 6:00 PM Acts 29 Boot Camps are church planting conferences open to the public that focus on the vision of church planting, calling of the planter, mandate to multiply...
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Christian Social Networks and Private Community Sites
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As we've begun to look at numerous Christian Social Networks and Private Community Sites there is one test that easily distinguishes two paths that make a large difference in whether a Christian should use them: Does the Social Network focus...
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