Church Planting, Kingdom Business, Catalyst West and A29 Conferences

10 Insights from a Church Planter by David Fairchild
Learn from the mistakes, lessons and reflection of a church planter 7 years into it.
Business for the kingdom by Tim Chester
How do you grow and run a company as a believer?
Conferences to promote:
San Diego Bootcamp
London Bootcamp
Catalyst West April 22-24, 2009 in Irvine, CA. Speakers include: Andy Stanley, Craig Groeschel, Rick Warren, Guy Kawasaki, Ravi Zacharias, Francis Chan, Brian Houston, Erwin McManus, Perry Noble, Catherine Rohr, Jud Wilhite, and Luis Palau . The first day, April 22, will feature Origins in partnership with
Catalyst Labs. These interactive sessions include talks from people such as Dave Gibbons, Alan Hirsch, Blake Mycoskie (Toms Shoes), Erwin McManus, Eric Bryant, Dan Kimball, Jamie Tworkowski (To Write Love on Her Arms), Margaret Feinberg, Mark Batterson and many others.
Register at: or by phone at 888-334-6569. Mention Rate Code BLG and you can save an extra 10% on the ticket price.
If you would like a FREE Catalyst West ticket I’m giving one out, enter to win by commenting on my blog.