
5 Strategies to Climb out Post-Covid
Preparation begins now to separate the winners from losers Post-Covid
Even if you survive this downturn, companies who do not become aggressive, adaptive and opportunistic may never recover. This is the lesson I learned in the 2008 downturn. After the dust settles, there will be a couple winners, but a...
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3 Lessons I learned from Winning Millions from Casinos as part of a Professional Card Counting Team
Years ago I played on a professional Blackjack card counting team that won $4,000,000 from casinos. My wife Heather and I played as professional card counters for about 3-years, and at one point a casino security manager told a member on...
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The New Rules of Competitive Advantage to Grow Exponentially
A company I know created a new cookie concept and wanted to sell it online. This company had primarily sold through retail but wanted to grow it’s online sales channel. But there was a problem: online cookie sales never took off. This...
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What increases your business valuation more than growth, profit or revenue and most Business Owners have not figured it out.
In a survey of hundreds of Entrepreneurs, Investment Bankers/Business Brokers and Private Equity firms each was asked, "What do you think makes the biggest impact to a company's valuation?" People on the 'sell side' (Entrepreneurs and Business Brokers) listed Revenue,...
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How to Execute on Your Potential
In a previous article I wrote about How to determine your Potential and discuss how your Personal Vision, Motivational Drivers and Executional Capability are three essential factors of determining your potential. In that article, I mentioned tools and resources for the first two but left the...
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How Sales can be the Key to Greatly Improve your Marketing Results and Growth
Over the years I’ve done strategic advisory work with dozens of fast growing companies, in fact, 6 of them are on this years Inc 500|5000 list. In my current role as Chief Strategy Officer at Power Digital Marketing I’ve also...
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How to determine your Potential
“Be All That You Can Be.” says the US Army motto —but what does it mean to be all that you can be? In my work with CEO’s and entrepreneurs, few people have a clear understanding of what they can truly...
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Leaders: How Do You Design your Office and Why it Matters
In 2018 I started an interim role as Chief Strategy Officer at Power Digital Marketing. Over a weekend I moved all my furniture into the new office prior to starting on a Monday. Immediately, and for several weeks, I received numerous...
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3 Dangers to Avoid for Visionary Leaders
So you say you are a visionary leader. Every organization needs a visionary. This person sees the future possibility and can begin to construct what that looks like in broad brush strokes. Without this person, an organization will go into...
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