June 2007

Acts 29 Sonoma Retreat – The Network & Defining Missional
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I returned last night from the annual Acts 29 pastors retreat where we spent most of the week in Sonoma. It was great to see friends and spend time with other church planters from across the country. A couple things...
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Re-thinking Work – The Need for the Church to reclaim the Cultural Mandate
The cultural mandate calls us to be stewards of the world and cultivate it for God's glory.  This includes our work.  Yet, churches have largely left work to the domain of the 'secular world'.  There are two reasons I believe...
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Gospel, Mission, Kingdom, Imagination [External Links]
Triperspectival Leadership Essentials (David Fairchild) - Examines three essential elements of leadership, character, competency and the often overlooked compatibility.  Also check out his recent posts on Gospel Worldview Questions & Gospel Diagnostic Questions. Rick McKinley's talk @ the Q Conference....
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The Double-Edge Sword of Raising Support as a Church Planter
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A few days ago I posted an idea to help fund church planting and transitions into ministry.  Since then I've been thinking a bit more about a 'tentmaker' organization that would create sustainable church planting movements.  The concept comes from...
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Leading Gospel-Centered Church Meetings
Do you have a structure of how to lead meetings at your church?  In our monthy church planting meetings with Harbor, they patterned a structure of meeting we have adopted at Kaleo.  It includes: 1. Grace Renewal Stories [Existential] -...
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Triperspectival Hermeneutics
David Fairchild and I spoke yesterday about a triperspectival hermeneutics.  He has posted some great insight into how to use a triperspectival hermeneutic .  Here is a snapshot, but I encourage you to read the whole post. Our Triune God...
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You Can't Program the Gospel
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When Kaleo Church first started, there were a number of things we wanted to do because other churches were doing it.  One example is a Film & Theology night.  We desperately wanted our people to see culture through the lens...
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Tentmakers – Funding a Church Plant or Ministry Transition
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How do you fund a church plant?  For many planters money is the number one challenge to being able to pursue their calling.  I've been thinking about creative ways to do this and wanted to post an idea:  (This is...
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Gospel Reformed vs Being too Reformed
The gospel and triperspectivalism are essential for reformed people. Why?  Because all too often we see a strong relationship between being 'reformed' and being contentious (see 1Tim3:3).  The other day someone posted an 'ultra-reformed' reply on an old post.  I...
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Leading a Movement Not an Institution
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How can you structure leadership and decisions in a church to most effectively be on mission?  This is critical because when power/control are centralized in a church, the mission suffers.  Church leaders who micro-manage or want to be involved in...
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