August 2004

New Pictures
A trip to the beach, Heather golfs with friends and a home group meeting at our house. Image Gallery >
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Sermon: Gospel Community
In Acts, when the first Church was built, it was a perverse pre-Christian generation. What we see in this church is valuable to us today because Scripture tells us about how we should be a community within a corrupt culture....
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Mother & Breast Cancer
Our family found out several months ago that my mom has breast cancer. Since this time, she has had a mastectomy and is undergoing chemo. Her spirits are high, she is doing well with her chemo. Thanks for your continual...
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Finding God in Abstract, Absurd and Postmodern Art
The other day I entered into a lively discussion that brought to light a line many of us have probably not established. It began by discussing bands that sing screamo to the point where their words and lyrics are unintelligent.(Screamo...
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The role of the Christian artist in the secular world
With increasing numbers bands that are Christian are being received by the secular world. It wasn't long ago when people mentioned Christian music that it caused a shudder because it was an embarrassing state of affairs. Read the full article:...
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Often people come to church on Sunday’s and they are looking for answers. During each week new challenges come up that we must face. Our lives are marked by highs and lows. How can we take Scripture and apply it...
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Tension in the Emerging Church
A lot of ink has spilled discussing the shape of the emerging North American church. We hear voices within the church speak of a need to re-tool the ‘modern church’ to create a spiritual experience that reflects the current cultural...
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Sermon: Nouthetic Community
How are we as believers supposed to react to pop psychology and secular counseling? What does God's Word say about these things and depression, self-esteem and more. Full Sermon >
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