I recently discovered people coming to my website through ZoomInfo and got scared. Here, people can track every little detail about you and your past. For example, it brought up information from when I was CEO of Pangia and several article where I was quoted or even when I spoke at conference years ago. Wisely, ZoomInfo separated my 'secular work' both past and present with my 'current role as pastor ' thinking it represents two different people. When people search my name, they can find ZoomInfo's site on the 2nd page of results. (For those of you with names like Kevin and Steve you are fortunate that it will be harder for people to identify you.) Want to learn about others?
And the list goes on…more and more sites are going to collect every bit of data on you. Every (unwise?) post you make, every comment that you leave and anywhere you leave a trace. I just want you to be aware, the internet is watching you now…..
NOTE (please use rel="nofollow" for any links you post to ZoomInfo so that you don't help spread the disease.)