What type of Emergent Church are You?

Ed Stetzer (part of Acts 29) wrote an article, FIRST-PERSON: Understanding the emerging church that classifies 3 types of people in the Emerging church movement:
Relevants– A group whose focus is to make their worship, music and outreach more contextual to emerging culture.
Reconstructionists– The reconstructionists think that the current form of church is frequently irrelevant and the structure is unhelpful. Yet, they typically hold to a more orthodox view of the Gospel and Scripture. Therefore, we see an increase in models of church that reject certain organizational models, embracing what are often called ‚Äúincarnational‚Äù or ‚Äúhouse‚Äù models. They are responding to the fact that after decades of trying fresh ideas in innovative churches, North America is less churched, and those that are churched are less committed.
Revisionists– Revisionists are questioning (and in some cases denying) issues like the nature of the substitutionary atonement, the reality of hell, the complementarian nature of gender, and the nature of the Gospel itself.
Related Reading: I wrote an article dealing with some of these things two years ago, Tension in the Emerging Church.