Total Church: I Will Build My Church builds off the first Total Church Conference held in San Diego last year. More information will be forthcoming but save the dates of November 17-19 2009.
Total Church is a way of thinking about church and mission in the 21st century which sees the local Christian community as integral to Christian living and Christian mission. The Christian life is ‘total church’ – our identity is communal..
Main Session Speakers Include:
Steve Timmis is the co-author of Total Church, cofounder of the Crowded House, a church-planting initiative in Sheffield, UK, and a director of the Porterbrook Network, which trains and mentors church planters. Timmis previously directed Radstock Ministries, a mission agency facilitating the involvement of the local church in world mission.
Michael W. Goheen, Geneva Professor of Worldview and Religious Studies at Trinity Western University , co-author of The Drama Of Scripture: Finding Our Place In The Biblical Story, Living at the Crossroads and author of ÄúAs the Father Has Sent Me, I Am Sending YouÄù: J.E. Lesslie NewbiginÄôs Missionary Ecclesiology.
David Fairchild is the co-founder and preaching elder of Kaleo Church in San Diego. He is also the southwest movement leader for Acts 29 network.
Breakout Sessions and more information to be announced…