I'd encourage all church planters to attend one of the most important church planting conferences to come. This one is a must attend for church planters who are thinking about planting missional churches to reach our culture. The Total Church North America Conference 2008
- Registering prior to July 12th and receive a discounted rate.
- Immersion program. Lodging for out-of-town registrants will be provided by members of Kaleo Church on a first-come first-served basis as long as we have lodging available. Space is limited. This will save on hotel costs for the conference and give visitors an opportunity to see the life of the community at Kaleo.
Be the Church
Total church is a way of thinking about church and mission in the 21st century which sees the local Christian community as integral to Christian living and Christian mission. The Christian life is 'total church' – our identity is communal.
Why Attend?
– Create a community centered on the gospel, equipped to do the work of the ministry.
– Make your community a community of church planters.
– See what it means to be the church on mission through ordinary life with gospel intentionality.
– Dialog with missional church leaders from across the world.
– Learn from seasoned practitioners how to form missional communities and transition traditional churches toward mission.
– Did we mention its in San Diego?
Dates: August 12-14, 2008
Location: San Diego, CA
Main Sesssion Speakers: Steve Timmis and Tim Chester are the authors of Total Church: A Radical Reshaping Around Gospel and Community (Crossway). They lead The Crowded House, a family of church planting networks that started in Sheffield, England. They have also started The Porterbrook Network to train people for mission and church planting in the context of ministry.
Break-out Sessions will be led by church planters/practitioners from The Crowded House, Kaleo Church, Soma Community & Providence Community. Break-out sessions will be added but will include:
- Beyond Total Church – Sowing the Seeds of a Movement
- Moving from Traditional to Missional – “What do I do next?”
- Engaging the Domains of Society – From Business to Media and Beyond
- Communicating in a Post-Christian Culture
- Evangelising the Urban Poor
- New ways of funding a plant & planter in a missional movement.
Stay-tuned as more break-out sessions are added. There will be several tracks for people being introduced to a missional mindset all the way to those who have formed missional communities to learn from others around the world leading missional movements.
The first Total Church was held in Sheffield, UK, in 2007 at the end of October, hosted by the Crowded House. The conference is named for the book, Total Church -A Radical Reshaping Around Gospel and Community which will be released in the Fall in the US.
Learn more: Total Church North America Conference 2008