This week has been a whirlwind tour at the National New Church Conference. I've had a great time seeing friends, sharing meals and listening to others I respect and learn from. I could list a lot of others who I enjoyed seeing & hearing from, such as Ed Stetzer, Darrin Patrick, both of whom took people to the cross and made much of Jesus Christ. I'll have to digest a bit and post later on many of these thoughts.
Tonight, speakers & leaders were treated to a dinner and a session with Alan Hirsch who presented his ideas on the future of the church in a western context. I'm going to have to digest that for a while too. Dustin & I also had the chance to drive around town with Andrew Jones (Tall Skinny Kiwi) and I enjoyed those conversations a great deal. It's remarkable to meet bloggers after you've 'known' about them for years. All in all, a few days that were well worth the trip to Orlando.