Kelly a friend who blogs at AbleKnife told me about a book she read, For Young Women Only: What You Need to Know About How Guys Think. Kelly wrote an post about the book: For Young Women Only at AbleKnife. Leif (pastor at Mars Hill) introduced me to For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men, which he has brides-to-be read in his premarital counseling.
Leif told the guys NOT to read the For Women Only book because they would be frightened how much their wife-to-be would know about the weaknesses of men. My wife read it and let's say, uh… it's helped her outlook and her understanding of me. I haven't read the book, so I can't really tell, but there has been change. So guys, take a stab and recommend this to your wife it may be a good tool in the conversation of your marriage. FWO Description:
What's going on in a man's mind? From their early days, every woman has struggled to understand why males behave the way they do. Even long-married women who think they understand men have only scratched the surface. Beneath a man's rugged exterior is an even more rugged, unmapped terrain. What bestselling author Shaunti Feldhahn's research reveals about the inner lives of men will open women's eyes to what the men in their life – boyfriends, brothers, husbands, and sons – are really thinking and feeling. Men want to be understood, but they're afraid to "freak out" the women they love by confessing what is happening inside their heads. This book will guide women in how to provide the loving support that modern men want and need.
I found this dating game from the FYWO book: