I've been able to enjoy a few days with Caesar Kalinowski from Soma Communities a movement that is led through people living missionally together to reach their cities (South Puget Sound). Of all the churches we (Kaleo Church) have come across, we are finding we share the most in common with Soma. Caesar has spent years studying communication as it applies to mission. In these years of training, they have created a story-based dialogical approach to developing disciples, which has led to far better results than just telling people information.
Did you know that in the USA…
- Researchers believe that 70% or more of the people in North America prefer non-literate means of communication.
- Over 50% of people over age 16 are functionally illiterate*.
- 58% of the U.S. adult population never reads another book after high school.
- 42% of college graduates never read another book.
- 80% of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.
- 57% of new books are not read to completion. Most readers do not get past page 18 in a book they have purchased.
- Each day, people in the US spend four hours watching TV, three hours listening to the radio and 14 minutes reading magazines.
- It is estimated that people spend as much as 80% of their non-working, non-sleeping time in front of a screen – TV or computer.
You can learn more about story & these statistics at Echo the Story.
Jesus’ disciples came and asked him, "Why do you always tell stories when you talk to people?”
Matthew 13:10
To see some of the stories & the questions that implicate people (meaning it's more than trying to throw application in the mix) into God's story and disciple them (I've done a couple with my kids and it's been GREAT. Gideon is 4 and his answers have been excellent in thinking this stuff through) download these Gospel Story Narratives.
UPDATE: Caesar sent the following, "in Soma we are also using narrative and dialogical forms of preaching that hold to a very high view of Scripture and the Gospel." This is important because many who attack story/dialogical often dismiss this because they believe it diminishes the Bible as the authority.
QUESTIONS? Ask away, Caesar has promised to answer any questions as to why current forms of preaching are not as effective and betray our missional endeavors and why he believes story/dialogical is critical to the future of the church.