The 2007 Multi-Site Church Conference just wrapped up. The conference looked at why do multi-site, different models of multi-site and specifically the Redeemer NY (multi-site) and the Harbor Presbyterian (multi-congregational & multi-site) models. (No video venues) Here are some ideas from the conference:
Launching a second site only increases a church costs 35-45% (with a pastor preaching these two locations each Sunday).
If you are going to launch a second service you must provide an equal level of excellence in these four areas or people may return to the first site: worship, preaching, fellowship, children. Fellowship will take a hit, in terms of splitting people but they must see this as being on mission.
To go multi-site you must have a movement leader who provides (1) integrity to vision, (2) vitality to mission and (3) unity in the sites.
[Generis a sponsor led this session but I thought it was interesting] If you conduct a campaign to raise money in your church, their are three types of people who will give Major, Leadership & Congregation gifts. I wont' go into too many details but typically the congregational represent 56-85% of the total givers yet only 15-25% of the total raised. Just preaching on tithing isn't enough, stewardship needs to be a ministry in your church. Many Major donors feel it unwise to tithe what they could, because the church could become dependent on it. They are willing to donate for one-time events or projects.
Six Key Questions to ask to determine if you should go multi-site or not
1. Does multi-site ministry fit with your vision & values? (For example, if you are bridging together different cultures into one multi-cultural service, to go multi-site can actually harm your vision.)
2. Would the multi-site model best fit your context & gifts?
3. Is your leadership enthusiastic to do this? (Going multi-site can cause some people to feel overwhelmed or even feel threatened by their loss of influence and power.)
4. Is your key leadership in place to support this goal & vision?
5. Have you effectively communicated your vision?
6. Is the pastor and his wife ready/willing/able to do this? (Multi-site will have a big impact on your ministry style and patterns.)