Pastor Mitchum’s sermon began with a 15-minute story about wild pigs and a family trip to San Luis Obispo. On this trip, Mitchum and his daughter prayed that God would send a big wild pig. “I knew if this prayer isn’t answered it will take a big dent out of [my daughter’s] faith,” said Mitchum to the 35 people who attended the morning service. After the prayer, a 400-pound pig emerged from behind a car. Mitchum said his daughter smiled, looked over to him, and said, “Daddy, prayer works.” Prior to the sermon, communion was served in thimble-sized cups and as fragments of cracker. “The Lord can relate to our weaknesses and took our weaknesses to the cross,” a man said as people partook of communion. Pastor Mitchum preached from the 27th chapter of Acts. In Mitchum’s sermon he read a passage from the Bible and then reworded the text as the sermon’s message. “It is the same fire that melts the wax that also hardens the clay,” Mitchum said of responses people have to the message of Jesus Christ.
Full Article: Calvary Chapel Point Loma