(Note: The book’s title is not known yet.) Tim Keller, who has been one of the primary influencers on issues of gospel living at our church is going to be releasing a new book. (This is not new news, as it was posted at Tim Keller’s sons blog back in August.) A new excerpt was released on Christian Fanaticism:
Perhaps the biggest faith-deterrent for the average person today is not so much violence and warfare but the shadow of fanaticism. Many non-believers in Christianity have friends or relatives that have become Äòborn againÄô and seem to have gone off the deep end. They soon begin to loudly express disapproval of various groups and sectors of our societyÄîespecially movies and television, the Democratic party, homosexuals, evolutionists, activist judges, members of other religions (all of which are branded ÄòfalseÄô) and public schools. When arguing for the truth of their faith they often appear intolerant and self-righteous. This is what many people would call fanaticism.
Read the whole excerpt by Keller on Christian Fanaticism >