I have slowed down on doing conferences. If you would like to have me speak at a conference, please contact me through Monk Development.
Conclave Sessions for Church Communicators – Held each year, several times, the Conclave Sessions are an ongoing project to gather thought leaders and church communication experts to leverage best practices and talk through challenges. These Sessions are filled with individuals from growing and influential churches with something to say. “As iron sharpens iron,” Proverbs says, “so one person sharpens another.” This is an opportunity to share with and learn from some of the brightest in the field.
The Biola Digital Ministry Conference – The Biola Digital Ministry Conference on the campus of Biola University in Southern California from June 4 to June 7, 2012. Do you think you have what it takes? Are you ready to put your skills to the test? I will be co-presenting the Keynote Session: The State of Digital Ministry and doing a breakout on Building the Right Online Ministry Strategy.
EO Global Leadership Conference May 5-7, 2011 in Chicago, IL. GLC stands for Global Leadership Conference. The event brings together chapter board leaders, directors and the Global Board. he Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) – for entrepreneurs only is a dynamic, global network of more than 7,500 business owners in 38 countries. Founded in 1987 by a group of young entrepreneurs, EO is the catalyst that enables entrepreneurs to learn and grow from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life. Membership in one of EO’s 118 chapters is by invitation only.
77 Event – At 77 Events, we gather some the best leaders in the church world to facilitate a conversation and serve as mentors for the day. At these one-day events you will learn from these mentors who have years of experience in serving the local church in a role like yours. In the morning, the mentors will lead the 77 of us in conversations about what is most important in our development as leaders. In the afternoon, we will gather in groups of about 11, where the mentors will faciliate a deeper discussion from the morning’s session. Together, we wil endeavor to apply lessons into an actual plan that will change your minsitry. I’ll be hitting a topic I hope is thought-provoking, including touching on ”Why STORY misses the point in communication” and “why Church Communicators are setup for failure and how their role needs to be re-imagined.”
CLA Ministry Internet & Technology Summit 2012 MonkDev this April at the CLA Ministry Internet & Technology Summit 2012 where we will lead the following sessions:
– Build the Right Social Media Strategy for Your Ministry (ITI Full Day Intensive)
– CIO & IT Roundtable
– Your Ministry Needs Web and Mobile apps
– Build the Right Ministry Web Strategy
– How to Stop Wasting Your Time with Social Media
Echo Conference Echo is a three-day gathering of creative church leaders who are passionate about digital media and the gospel. Together, we’ll explore topics such as visual storytelling, event programming, social media, online community, graphic and motion design, and more.
Mission: More then a Slogan March 11-12th, San Diego –
This conference is intended to help planters, pastors, and leaders better navigate through the minefield of competing missional ideas while remaining faithful to the rich story-line of the bible.
Hawaiian Islands Ministry Honolulu March 24-26, 2011 | Hawaii Convention Center – Save the dates, more information to come but I will be doing three sessions, two on technology and one on creating gospel communities on mission.
Christian Web Conference 2011 | Biola UniversityCWC / 2011 – Christian Web Conference. Affiliated with The Imagination Summit. At Biola University / April 14–16.
CLA Conference April 25-28th in Dallas, TX. Join us in April to the Ministry Internet & Technology Summit (MITS) during the 2011 Christian Leadership National Conference. MonkDev hosts this summit at the CLA National Conference because in our experience, it is great for equipping ministry leaders like you in the range of skills and knowledge needed to navigate the challenges of leading ministry in the future. With more than 120 workshops in 14 tracks, 25 full-day seminars and cutting-edge summits this is truly a one-of-a-kind educational opportunity. Thousands of ministry leaders from across America will be there, and I’m hoping you’ll consider joining us too.
Exponential Conference April 26 – 29, 2011 in Orlando, FL.We are putting together the Exponential Communication & Technology sessions. Stay tuned for more details. The Exponential Conference and the Verge Conference are joining forces to host an historic, international event in April 2011. Join thousands of other church planting leaders for a time of inspiration, encouragement, equipping and challenging. Our theme is “Missional Communities: Discovering Old Truths in New Paradigms.” Regardless of your current approach (attractional, incarnational, mega, multi, micro, etc), you will be challenged to apply old truths and principles in fresh ways to reach those far from God.
Cultivate Conference May 4-5, 2011 at First Christian Church in Huntington Beach, CA. Cultivate is about bringing you together with the skilled, the experienced, and the insightful, and together you will drive the content. Together you will discover breakthrough insights. Cultivate is about organized conversations, and each conversation will be designed to nurture collaboration without confining the experience to a box. Expect to be stretched. Expect to be challenged. Expect to cultivate a new way of thinking. If you are creative, strategic, and responsible for influencing how your organization communicates, there is a chair waiting for you.
EO Global Leadership Conference May 5-7, 2011 in Chicago, IL. GLC stands for Global Leadership Conference. The event brings together chapter board leaders, directors and the Global Board. he Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) – for entrepreneurs only is a dynamic, global network of more than 7,500 business owners in 38 countries. Founded in 1987 by a group of young entrepreneurs, EO is the catalyst that enables entrepreneurs to learn and grow from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life. Membership in one of EO’s 118 chapters is by invitation only.
Christian Alliance for Orphans May 12-13, 2011 at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY.
The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites more than 80 respected Christian organizations and a national network of churches. Working together, our joint initiatives inspire, equip and connect Christians to “defend the cause of the fatherless” in adoption, foster care and global orphan care. Through the annual Summit, the Orphan Sunday campaign and an array of other initiatives, we seek to help grow communities in the local church known for “defending the cause of the fatherless” (Isaiah 1:17).
Echo Conference Echo is a three-day gathering of creative church leaders who are passionate about digital media and the gospel. This year’s event will be held at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, Texas, from Wednesday, July 27 to Friday, July 29. Together, we’ll explore topics such as visual storytelling, event programming, social media, online community, graphic and motion design, and more.
The GCM Collective Conference for 2011 will be September 14-16. You will get to hear from, meet and interact with leaders who are daily practitioners, living in gospel communities on mission in their cities. This is a unique experience that will present the why, what and how-to of starting, leading and multiplying missional communities. Interactive plenary sessions, breakouts and unique training experiences will fill our days both on-site and off. Big church, small church, multi-site or neighborhood…this event is for every church that seeks to effectively expand the gospel in their context.
WFX Conference is the most comprehensive education and training event for churches today with 100 sessions and over 225 exhibiting companies. The WFX experience will challenge how you think about, utilize, and manage the resources, facilities, technology, staff, and volunteers you have been provided with and equip you to realize your ministry vision. I will be doing the session: Develop a Powerful Church Web Strategy
2010 & Earlier
National Outreach Conference
November 3-5, 2010 San Diego, CA
- Practical Strategies for Reaching People in a Digital World
GCM Collective Conference
October 28-29, 2010 Austin, TX
- Practical Missional Ecclesiology
- GCM Collective Experience
- Triperspectival Leadership Model and Practice
Echo – Church media and tech conference
July 28-30, 2010 Dallas, TX
- Church Web Stories: Learning from others’ successes and struggles
- A Look into the Near & Distant Future of Online Ministry
NRB Research Symposium
June 29-30, 2010 Grapevine, Texas
- Using Social Media for Greater Ministry Impact
Christian Leadership Alliance Conference Ministry Internet & Technology Summit
April 19-21, 2010 San Diego, CA
- A Look into the Near & Distant Future of Online Ministry
- Online Ministry Opportunities, Challenges & Lessons
GCA Church Planting Conference
January 26-28th 2010 Orlando, FL
- Planting in a Post Christian World
- The Internet and the Sovereignty of God
National Religious Broadcasters Convention & Exposition (February 7-10 Nashville, TN) The NRB annual Convention & Exposition is the largest nationally and internationally recognized event dedicated solely to assist those in the field of Christian communications. This international event networks thousands of Christian communicators, from program producers to authors, pastors to engineers, directors to vendors. NRB’s professionals emphasize strategy and innovation to tap the power of new media ministry models. The dynamic Exposition consists of over 300 companies and is an active marketplace for those seeking tools and services to expand their ministries.
The Idea Camp (February 27-28 Irvine CA) The Idea Camp is a FREE, open source hybrid conference designed to help people move from the realm of ideas to implementation. We are gathering some of the most innovative and creative leaders from around the country (this means YOU!) to share ideas, intentionally network, and move collaboratively into idea-making. Whether your passion is church leadership, non-profit work, social entrepreneurialism, technology, media, creativity, culture making, church planting, spiritual formation, compassionate justice, etc., this is the conference for YOU. Session:
- Church Planting
BibleTech:2009 (March 27-28 Seattle, Washington) Join us to explore the intersection of Bible study and technology. This two-day conference is designed for publishers, programmers, webmasters, educators, bloggers and anyone interested in using technology to improve Bible study. BibleTech 2009 is an opportunity to meet others who share your interests and hear from industry leaders. Session:
Christian Leadership Alliance Conference (April 20-22 Atlanta, Georgia) offers Biblically based fundraising and stewardship courses for leaders of Christian nonprofit organizations. Session:
Catalyst West Coast (April 22-24 Irvine, CA.) a conference to inspire the next generation of leader.
National New Churches Conference (April 20-23 Orlando, Florida) Come and learn with us… as we experience the stories of those who are in the middle of movements… as we discover what God is “up to” around the globe and what He wants to do through us.
- Using the Internet to Gather, Disciple and Create Community
- Websites, Technology and Church Planting
Acts 29 Bootcamp (May 5-7 San Diego, CA) Kaleo will host a Boot Camp beginning May 5th of 2009. Are you considering planting a church? Are you ready? The Acts 29 Boot Camp can help make the difference between success and casualty. Speakers for this event will include Mark Driscoll, David Fairchild, Scott Thomas and many more.
Echo Church Media Conference (July 29 – 31 Dallas, TX) The ECHO Conference will challenge and inspire the way you do ministry. ECHO will encompass all things media visual, web, music, technology and hopes to resound the truth of Christ through the power of media and technology. It will be a gathering place for church leaders to discover new and creative forms and uses of media. Engage in a community of creative believers seeking to change the world through the use of media and technology that communicates the truth of Christ.
- The Truth about Church Websites and Effective Online Outreach
- Beyond the Web 2.0 Noise: How to use the Internet to Disciple & Create Real Community
Christian Web Conference 09 (September 11-12 La Mirada, CA)
- What does the Gospel have to do with Social Media?
Cultivate October 27 Chicago, Illinois)
- Session on Web Strategy
STORY – Gospel Communication October 28-29 Chicago, Illinois)
- Workshop on Social Media, Web & the Church
National Outreach Conference (November 4-6 San Diego, CA)
Total Church 2.0 Conference: I Will Build My Church November 17-19 San Diego, CA)
- Breakouts on Missional Ecclesiology