Christianity Today's September cover : Young, Restless, Reformed – Calvinism is making a comeback—and shaking up the church. There is a resurgence in theology, as I mention why I think this matters in Five Trends for the Future of Church Planting. (Liberal churches that chunk theology for relevance will become social clubs. Emerging churches who are in a conversation on a journey together as an authentic community walking a spiritual labyrinth without theological boundaries and a destination in mind will not make it.) More and more young people are thinking through this as a backlash to the postmodern mess we find ourselves in. There will be a whole new cadre of theologians that come from our generation. Or as Mark Driscoll says it,
"I like big books and I can not lie, You other brothers can't deny.." (think Sir Mix-A-Lot)
Here is a quote from the article:
"While the Emergent 'conversation' gets a lot of press for its appeal to the young, the new Reformed movement may be a larger and more pervasive phenomenon."
Here is a list of some of the people mentioned in the article:
Alistair Begg, Don Carson, Bryan Chapell, Timothy George, Mike Horton, Tim Keller, John MacArthur, Tom Nettles and Phil Ryken, as well as the Acts 29 Network (Mark Driscoll), the Alliance, Covenant Seminary, Cyrene Ministries (go Anthony and Sherrard!), Ligonier Ministries, the PCA, Reformed Seminary, RUF (Reformed University Fellowship), Sovereign Grace Ministries and Westminster Seminary.
Some other blogs mentioning this: Caveman Unleashed, reformation21