Vision Nationals

Vision NationalsOur church is partnering with Vision Nationals in India. Currently, they have a Children’s Home built in 1999. This building houses 100+ orphans and children of very poor families providing them with 7th grade education, and Christian upbringing. They also have started an advanced Bible College in 1996 giving 4 year bachelor degree in Theology.
They hope to expand facility to house and train 150+ students. New church costs aprox. $5000 to build in a village and $12000 to build in the city. Currently two village and one city church are in the planning stages.
Church planter salary – $35 – $100 a month provides partial support for the planter‚Äôs personal and missional needs. Our church intends to raise $5000 by to build one of the village churches now in need. Additionally we want to provide ongoing support this new church for until it is self-sufficient. (Ministry Blog)