Mark Driscoll’s (of Mars Hill Church, the church that is planting our church Kaleo) book is reviewed by Challies Dot Com a popular blogger. Read the review and subsequent discussion about Radical Reformission, part 2 and part 3. It’s kind of funny to have all these strangers dissect Mark and his intentions. While I do appreciate Challies balanced approach, many of the (visitors) comments are way off. Having been at Mars Hill back when it was under 100 people where I attended for 5 years, including time in the Driscoll home, it seems people really miss the mark on his intentions. Their comments poke at the book in areas that it has zero intention to address (church discipline, etc.) Also, (reformed guys) all seem to want it to be primarily a theological treatise, which it isnt’. If an author had to unpack every single comment the minimum book size would be 2,000 pages. Ah, aren’t we all wonderful critics.