Kaleo Church WebsiteNew Kaleo Church Website…coming soon. We’ve built the framework (nice web standards/css) for the new site. It’s going to be nice to finally move from table based designs on this one. We’re moving all the content now into the Ekklesia System (this is saying a lot when you have 100’s of articles and sermons!). But man, is it going to make life easier when we’re using ES from now on. Also, the url’s will be rewritten so instead of
Which will have an added bonus for ease of use and SEO.
Ok, now throw out some suggestions. What does every church website need? What do you think is critical to have on the home page for visitors? I’d love to hear your comments as we finalize it. Also, if you have any great graphic design people who want to throw their hat in the ring, I’d love some cool images….