Craig at just sent me a copy of Missionary Position a documentary on their journey from the red light district of Amsterdam, to the Porn rehab facilities of Kentucky the porn shows of Las Vegas to the porn sets of Hollywood. About the movie:
Bill Day, an independent film maker and all around great guy, called us back in February of 2002 and asked if he could hang around us for a few days and shoot some video for a project he was working on. He joined us on our trip to Amsterdam, then to Pure Life Ministries in Kentucky, then to Erotica LA and then…a few days and a small video project turned into over 2 years and a full-length documentary on the ministry of XXXchurch. The documentary is currently slated to release in early 2006.
He also enclosed some “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” t-shirts. I have to admit, these guys are doing some pretty crazy things to reach the Porn Industry (see their Wally the Weiner). I’ve got a couple more interviews and the video to watch and I’ll have my article on them coming soon….