At Kaleo church , we call our home groups “missional communities,” (MC’s). The title serves as an intentional reminder of why we exist here on this earth: to love God and neighbor. Not surprisingly, this is also one of the healthiest assets to a formal counseling relationship. Gone is the separatist mentality of old-school counseling: “me and my therapist.” Gone is the stereo-typical break in relationship between counselor and counselee: “I have no relationship with you outside of my office.” In their place is the Scriptural portrait of “brother and sister,” “life-on-life,” and valued body members, all “in Christ.” Its a beautiful thing, yet strange to individualist (worldy) thinking.
In truth, this body relationship is foundational and is what “creates” one-another counseling for Christians. Its a full-on, Acts 2:44 model. And its also what moves us out to “counsel the world” together (as the title “missional” and “community” imply), for the community that lives under the cross also takes the cross to the ends of the earth together, as they are gripped and transformed by the pursuing love of Christ (As proof, Acts 2:47 tells us God added to their number daily those who were being saved.)
..continue reading post by Steve Trout: Missional Communities as Extension of the Counseling Process
Also read about developing counselors in community .