At the end of last year I posted a document on Kaleo’s Philosophy of Ministry created by Tim Cain as he worked to plant a new church site as part of Kaleo. As an updated now there is an added section on Vision to the document. This is the shortened version of a longer document but at 58 pages it has some weight to it. Included in the Vision portion of the document:
- Vision Statement
- Core Theological Convictions
- What Gospel Community Looks Like
- What a Community formed for Mission Looks Like
- What is Mission
- ..and much more such as the role of the Holy Spirit, prayer, God’s glory, etc.
The Philosophy of Ministry section discusses how we practically live out the above vision. Practically how do we gather, how do we gospel one-another, how we fight to treasure Christ, worship and much more.
DOWNLOAD: Kaleo Vision and Philosophy of Ministry