Dr. Richard Kaufmann, movement leader at Harbor Presbyterian led the session Preparing & Preaching a Gospel Centered Message @ the Acts 29 Regional Conference. In this session, he said (I believe he was quoting someone, but I don't recall who) that there are four idols that drive most people. These are:
Which one do you seek? Kaufmann said a good way to find out is to see which one you'd give up to 'earn' another. Meaning, would you give up people liking you (approval) in order for them to respect you (power)?
The danger with these idols is that idols always disappoint
They are weak: They can't deliver when you succeed; they can only raise the bar. They can't forgive you when you fail; they can only lower the boom.
They are harmful: They hurt you spiritually, emotionally and physically. They hurt others by undermining your ability to love.
They are Grievous: Most importantly, by going after these idols/other lovers you are saying to God: "Jesus is not enough. I also need _________ in order to be happy.
This is where we need to preach the gospel to ourselves daily.