It’s been great to see the online community of GCM Collective grow to over 1,500 missional thinkers and over 10,000 people signed up on the mailing list. For those of you not involved here is a taste of what is going on:
Instead of doing a National Conference, we held GCM Everyday Austin 2010 a local conference that gathered over 300 missional thinkers in Austin. Our desire was to not have people fly from around the country, pay for hotels and the like, when we can host these GCM Everday’s in cities near you.
1. To help us plan where we host these, please put the city you are in under your Profile (if you haven’t already) so we can strategically plan these trainings. To edit your profile, click on profile on the sidebar under the “Hi, your name”.
2. To share some of these resources, we’ve created a new group called GCM Everyday Training. Go to to find this group & join. All the resources are an “open source” collection created by all of us in the Feel free to take these resources and tweak them for personal use:
- Gospel Fluency – Jeff Vanderstelt
- 3 Marks of Gospel Community Formation
- 3 Steps for Gospel Community Multiplication
- Missional Community Leader Checklist
Lastly, join in the conversation. Recent topics include: [To participate you must sign-up at ]
- Rate of Multiplication
- Working in the tension between the ideal and the real
- Traditional to Missional
- Cell Church
- How Do We Contextualize Missional Church Resources For Our People and More…
- How do u teach the gospel to small kids?
- Immigration and the Kingdom
- Moving from Mercy to Justice Ministry
- Can Missional culture survive in a business model?
- Do we need to meet in groups?
- A communal life vs. a busy life
- Frontyard Parties
- equipping parents to disciple their children
- “Sending” Songs
- Launch strategy query
- What gospel-centered international local churches and/or missionaries would you recommend?
and many more! Remember, to participate you must sign-up at