Session from the National New Church Conference
Teacher: Dr. Tom Jones, Regional Director Stadia East
This session went over an introduction to raising funds for a church planter. Dr. Jones outlined different finance models such as the Mother church, Associations, Denominations, Network, Self-Support, Lay Launch teams, Business-supported and other models. When it comes to raising funds Dr. Jones suggests that you "Make sure you are clear about your call and vision, asking questions such as:
What do I feel called to do?
Where am I called to do it?
Why there?
Why me?
When are we going to do it?
How (strategy) will we do it?
Who is partnering with us?
How much money will it take?
How can others partner with us?
Does my vision touch people's hearts? Do they laugh? Do they cry? Do they get excited and ask questions?
Dr. Jones recommends that a team requires every member to raise funds. Make an exhaustive list of contacts (friends, family, relatives, etc.), churches and other organizations that might support them. Ask individuals to give for 1-3 years monthly of $500, $300, $100 or other amount. Share the stories of what is happening. Make a goal of beings self-supporting within 2-5 years and communicate this.
Dr. Jones ended with Ten Principles that Lead to Financial Independence
1. Balanced, biblical stewardship training creates a spiritually mature church.
2. communicate the vision of the church over and over again.
3. Develop leaders who are models in giving.
4. Be a generous-minded, giving church from the very beginning
5. Teach committed, sacrificial giving at membership
6, John Maxwell stresses that if you want more money or more talents then find more pockets.
* People who attend church, but are not good stewards
* people outside the church
* present givers
7. Keep congregational morale high.
8. Keep the congregation tuned in.
* Facts-where do we stand?
* Focus-where are we going with this money?
* Faces-who benefils? Always put faces with money.
9. After the first year, schedule an annual stewardship emphasis month.
* One Stadia plant this year went from a 10 week average offering of $2326 to a 10 week average offering of $3967, after a stewardship emphasis month. The new church experienced a 70% increase.
10. Be creative when raising funds.
UPDATE: The Tentmaker Group has launched to help church planters raise funding.