Here is a book I’m planning on reading. As we begin this next year at Kaleo, prayer is our only answer for the vision we feel God has for us. I’ve had a couple people recommend this book. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire : What Happens When God’s Spirit Invades the Hearts of His People
Twenty-five years ago, Cymbala, worn out from pastoring two congregations, devoted himself solely to the dwindling band of worshipers at ramshackle Brooklyn Tabernacle. Today, the old building has been replaced, there are 6,000 worshipers at four Sunday services, the church choir wins Grammies and sings for Billy Graham’s crusades, and Cymbala is asked to speak all over the world about how he did it. Although he believes he didn’t do it–God did–Cymbala does have a secret: the church is first and foremost a house of prayer, he says, a place where souls can call on God. Accordingly, Cymbala established Tuesday-night prayer meeting as the most important church function (later, church members began a “Prayer Band” to intercede round the clock for all and sundry). With professional Christian writer Merrill’s help, Cymbala tells not his church’s story as much as the stories of individual souls whose saving illustrates the truth of his testimony that God responds to prayer made in repentance and faith. Cymbala considers his work part of the revivalist tradition of nondenominational Christian evangelism, and he cites 300 years’ worth of the great revivals and revivalists often, adding greater interest to a book that voices some of the oldest Christian wisdom with the vivid immediacy of telling tomorrow’s news.
Any other recommendations of books to grow faith and focus on prayer in the ministry?