A few years ago I considered ways that Christians could evangelize even in a secular workplace. One of the ways I thought this could be done is through interviewing and/or promotion situations. (This idea came years ago when I started Sano Bioscience International an executive recruiting company focused on biotechs entering the FDA approval process). Here is what I came up with:
Situation – You are in a position of interviewing, considering someone for promotion or otherwise assessing them. In this position you ask them questions (always recommend behavioral based interviewing). After the period of interviewing, you end with one final assignment.
Assignment – In order to see their skills in logic, writing, creative thinking and ability to form persuasive discourse you ask them to present a 2 page argument for Where Morality Comes From. You'd let them know they are not being evaluated on their 'position' but presentation, thought and articulation.
Evangelism Opportunity – To assist them, you hand them three 'examples'. Two are from secular positions that are common worldviews, eg. social contract ethics, etc. The third is a solid Biblical position that addresses the previous two and presents a presuppositional apologetic for the God of the Bible.
The purpose is to confront non-Biblical worldviews, hoping that people are forced to re-consider their stance. And then to present a Biblical worldview as the only viable option.