Modern Reformation’s latest issues focuses on the Emerging Church. ( FAITH A LA CARTE? T H E E M E R G E N T C H U R C H). I found it interesting that D.A Carson’s article, The Emerging Church, cited ‘Protest’ first as to what characterizes the movement. I would have to agree. As I’ve been involved in three church plants personally and a handful of others through relationship often the distinguishing mark is a protest. The preachers typically begin as a reaction against what they’ve experienced. (Sadly, some react from one error to the extreme other side, which is also an error.)
Kaleo made a transition 6-9 months ago from critique, protest and reaction toward a position of wanting to positively lead people. We came up with a (dreaded for some) mission statement:
Kaleo exists to delight in God above all else, to exalt His name among all people, for His glory through Jesus Christ
More important that a mission statement was an attitude shift of ‘let’s stop tearing down what we are against and start building up what we are for’. This shift has radically altered the DNA of our church. More people are getting involved (we doubled in size in the last 6 months), more people are dying to themselves not out of false duty but desire and their is a renewed desire to be the Kingdom of God. There are so many other positive implications that I could list but I wanted to throw this out there for any church planter to consider. Don’t just be marked by protest but be known by what you proclaim with your life.