Church Planting Resources posted a paper that "sets out a new paradigm for church planting that may help create such a culture. Missionary and Missiologist Roland Allen calls the kind of church planting movement referred to in the MNA church planting vision as “the spontaneous expansion of the Church”, its “unlimited expansion” and the “spontaneous freedom of expanding life.”
It includes:
1. Principles of Spontaneous Church Planting Expansion (with applications)
2. Case Studies: Mars Hill in Seattle (of a Spontaneous Expansion), Harbor Presbyterian in San Diego (of a One-Church/Multi-Congregational Movement)
3. Written by Tim Keller it includes much of their philosophy @ Redeemer
4. Feedback in Paul’s Missionary and Church Planting Method
5. The Mission to North America’s (MNA) Church Planting Vision
Go here to download Emergence Theory and the Spontaneous Expansion of the Church – a vision for Church planting in the 21st Century a 22-page PDF.