In 2007, we will devout considerable time to building, re-thinking and planning how we Communicate (see previous Missional Survey), Connect, Develop & Send people. The first ministry we will focus on is the Connect Ministry. See attached Connecting/Hospitality/Assimilation Ministry pdf that lays out some of the goals, plans and methods to do this.
1. To be the community of God, a hospitable and friendly church changed by the gospel (Acts 2). We cannot program this, it must be gospel motivated. (Romans 15:7)
2. To see hospitality as a ministry. Ministering to why people visit the church. Common ministry needs that are discovered through hospitality:
- They are experiencing a life transition (loss of job, death in family, conversion, illness, marriage). People who are in a life transition may need counseling, prayer and other support.
- They are new to the area and seek a church. People that are new to the area need to find gospel community and fellowship.
- They are ‘church shopping’ and their reason for leaving their prior church ranges from consumerism to legitimate theological convictions
How do we connect with these people and gather this information in order to minister to them? We are looking to train our greeters where there will be a 'front door' welcoming greeting team and a second greeting team inside near a resource table to meet these people. Our goal is to partner these guests with people in our church who can help minister to them and help them connect. We would hope to have our people pray for, meet with and love these guests. The attached pdf (click on image link) describes how the connecting process works and how ministry needs can be escalated as required.
How do you ensure you connect with all visitors? We will offer guests a Kaleo Vision Package. This packet would include our vision/values and a cd that they could listen to in their car during their 15-minute drive home from church. At the same time we would gather their information if we had not received it. On subsequent visits 2nd time guests could pick up copies of our worship cd and third time The Gospel for Real Life (or other resource). This is how we would see our greeting operating as a ministry to those who visit Kaleo.