Church Planting – Coaching & Network Development

Tomorrow I leave to the North America Church Planting Conference with David Fairchild. "The North America Church Planting Conference is an inter-denominational training event designed to equip church planters, coaches and supervisors to start, grow and multiply healthy, gospel-centered churches that result in the spiritual, social and cultural transformation of entire cities and regions."  Leaders from Acts 29 will attend sessions to map out a network coaching strategy.  This is Phase I of several Acts 29 church planters being trained to be coaches of church planters. 

Phase II is Bob Logan of coming to Seattle March 21-22 to also train Acts 29 coaches. From Coachnet: "Coaching is fundamental to everything we do in ministry, from discipling new believers to developing new leaders. Dynamic churches and ministries have coaching woven into their genetic code. CoachNet's desire is to see people become intentional about coaching — either in beginning to coach others or in improving the quality of coaching they currently deliver. Everybody talks about it… it's time to start doing it!  CoachNet's Coach Certification program is a specialized, comprehensive process that prepares Christian leaders to effectively coach and develop others."

It is good to be a part of Acts 29 as it continues to grow rapidly, but also mature as men who planted churches 3, 5 or 10 years ago are now coaching others who are just beginning.  If you are a church planter, it is a real opportunity to be coached by people who understand the challenges of church planting and are not so far removed from the process that they speak only in theory.  These relationships are critical to the future of Acts 29 as a church planting network.