Thusday, February 23rd. (Point Loma)
San Diego area residents are invited to join Donald Miller for a free evening at Point Loma Nazerene University on Thursday, February 23rd at 8:00 P.M. WeÄôve chosen San Diego as the launch city for the new book “To Own a Dragon” and yes, we will actually have real copies on hand!
If youÄôve never been to a book launch, you can expect music, a festive atmosphere, and about an hour-and-a-half reading and question and answer time. IÄôll be reading a hopefully hilarious essay about the James Frey incident, and then from the new book. Readings are always designed to be light-hearted and funny, so basically come to be entertained. A two-dollar donation is suggested and the money will all go to the Belmont Foundation, a not-for-profit aiming to provide mentoring relationships for kids growing up without fathers. IÄôll be sticking around till all hours to sign books. ItÄôs a cheap date. Seating is limited to about 1700..