Cory Miller has launched a blog dedicated to church communication. His current ongoing series is Blogging 101 for Pastors is to assist pastors on how best to use blogs in their ministry. Cory is wise, he sought many well known bloggers (Church Marketing Sucks, Strategic Digital Outreach, Mark Batterson, Tall Skinny Kiwi, Internet Monk…) to post early on, and often they would link back to him. Meaning Cory's site is sure to become a powerhouse.
Here's the request I received:
I'm currently doing a blog series on the subject of "blogging 101 for pastors" … I'm hoping to help other ministers (a) see how easy it can be to get a blog and (b) show them how they can blog without killing themselves.
As a prolific blogging pastor, I'd love to share some of your insights in a future post … here are the five questions I'd like to share with my readers if you're available to give a brief answer for them …
Why (or how) did you start blogging?
What subject do you post most about?
What are your favorite blog tools? (from platforms, to feedreaders to stats, etc.)
How often do you post?
What one piece of advice would you give for prospective blogging pastors?
My Response: 5 Blogging Questions with Drew Goodmanson