I want to encourage those Christians in the tech space to attend the Christian Web Conference. Where most conferences on technology are geared toward ‘how’, ‘what’, and ‘who’ this conference will ask more ‘why’ questions. As the conference main site states, “The Christian Web Conference is designed to equip individuals with the vision, knowledge, and relationships that are necessary in order to be thoughtful practitioners and consumers of developing web technologies.”
For example, one of the highlights of the conference is a debate about whether the online church is community between Andrew Jones (tallskinnykiwi) and Matthew Anderson (Mere Orthodoxy).
At the conference I will facilitate the session, Internet Strategy: What does the gospel have to do with Social Media? where we will investigate the role of social media in the church. How and what as Christians should we consider regarding our use of social media. For example in the initial results of a survey so far:
7 out of 10 church leaders believe that “If Jesus were alive today He would have a profile on a social network.”
Source: The State of the Church Online | Member Community and Social Networks (take this survey to help!)
What are ways we can redemptively participate in social media and what are lines we need to create. Join us for these discussions and much more….