Kaleo Church along with several other churches plan on cooperating and implementing a new church web strategy. This strategy is influenced from a study that examined the analytics of 50+ church websites. In this research there were answers to questions such as: Why do people come to a church website? What are they doing? Where did they come from? How long are they on the site? This study resulted in several case studies of best practices. In addition to this, a second research survey of 1,000+ congregants helps us understand much about people’s use of a church website as well as the desired functionalities they would like to see from their church. What are new people seeking at the church website? What about people who have gone to the church for years? How important was the website in their decision to attend the church? These studies have caused us to re-think how we are using the web and create this new strategy based on these findings.
This project will be led by me and I will help translate these findings into a strategy that we believe will become the best practices of church website use. For example, many websites do a poor job of connecting to new visitors and encouraging behaviors that are of value to the church. We will employ a triperspectival design process to quickly and effectively present the churches vision (normative), impact the visitor toward sharing this vision (existential) and seek to encourage behaviors (situational) that the church desires. These behaviors could include:
Ä¢ Low Value Behaviors: Subscribe to RSS, podcast, engage Church Twitter account or Facebook.
Ä¢ Medium Value Behaviors: Sign-up for an Email or complete a Web Form.
Ä¢ High Value Behaviors: Show up to a service, home group or other relational meeting.
The strategy will target new visitors, the existing church community seeking to move them deeper into relationships and involvement, church media resources, event management, social media integration, online donations, amongst other key elements.
This first cooperative will have a limited number of spaces available. If you would like to participate or if you’d like more info feel free to contact me directly.